SVEEP Awareness Programme @ SUCET Mukka

Keeping in mind the *Systematic Voter’s Education & Electoral Participation (SVEEP)* initiative, *Srinivas University College of Engg & Technology (SUCET), Mukka*, Mangaluru organised the following *Electoral Awareness Program* to propagate the main objectives.

Participants took the *Voter’s Pledge* to take part in the upcoming election upholding the values enshrined in the constitution. 
Prof. Rohan Fernandez delivered a short talk to drive home the message *“Why Should I Vote”* and encouraged the audience to vote in a free and fair manner without falling prey to inducements. Dr. Shreeprakash B, Dr. Ramakrishna Hegde, Dr. Praveen B M, various HoDs, Staff members and Students were present on the occasion.


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