Mother’s Meet was organised in Srinivas University College of Engineering and Technology on 22/12/2018, Saturday. The main intention of this event was the get together all the Mother’s of the Students studying in our college and to promote a good and cordial relation with faculties and the institute. In addition to this, most of the Mother’s will get an opportunity to interact with each other and also maintain long term relationship by sharing their contact details. Mainly, all the Mother’s will come to the college and have an opportunity to interact with the faculties.
This function was formally Inaugurated by Smt Vijayalakshmi R Rao – Director Srinivas group of colleges and Chief Guest was Smt Prof. Mithra S Rao – Secretary, A Shama Rao foundation.  Smt. Vijayalakshmi Rao stressed the Role of a Mother to shape the Children to make them better citizens of the country. Prof Mitra S Rao addressed the Gathering and asked the mothers  to give freedom to the children to use Technology for getting themseves ready in the Modern society. She also mentioned the Positive and Negative Effects of Mobile Phone usage.  She Expressed thanks to all the Mother’s for attending this program and stressed to keep in touch with the college. Dr Shreeprakash B, - Dean addressed the gathering and explained the importance of the day. Prof. Rashmi, Convenor for the event welcomed the gathering. Prof. Vidya Kamath proposed the Vote of thanks. Dr Praveen B M – Chief coordinator was present during the function. The program was compered by Risha, Kusuma and Supriya.
After the formal inaugural program, Prof. Ambika Mallya addressed the gathering about the mindset of 18 year old children and role of Mothers and interacted with the Mothers.
 A couple of song and dance performances were exhibited by Mukesh, a first year student.
Prof Milan Guha of the Hotel Management college gave a demonstration of a few food items preparation.
The Mother’s also participated in a few group games organised by Prof Rohan David Fernandez.
Mother’s  expressed their happiness for conducting this event in the college and said that it was a unique program.


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