Mother’s Meet w as organised in Srinivas University College of Engineering and Technology on 22/12/2018 , Saturday. The main inten t ion of this event was the get together all the Mother’s of the Students studying in our college and to promote a good and cordial relation with faculties and the institute . In addition to this , most of the Mother’s will get an opportunity to interact with each other and also maintain long term relationship by sharing their contact details. Mainly , a ll the Mother’s will come to the college and have an opportunity to interact with the faculties. This function was formally Inaugurated by Smt Vijayalakshmi R Rao – Director Srinivas group of colleges and Chief Guest was Smt Prof. Mithra S Rao – Secretary , A Shama Rao foundation . Smt. Vijayalakshmi Rao stressed the Role of a Mother to shape the Children to make them better citizens of the country. Prof Mitra S Rao addressed the Gathering and asked the mothers t o give f...