Inauguration of Sristica 2018-19

Civil Engineering Students Association "SRISTICA" 2018-19 was inaugurated on Friday, 2nd November 2018. Chief Guest Er Roger M Pinto (Managing Director of Mangalore Properties Pvt Ltd)  inaugurated the function. Dr. Anil Kumar (Registrar, Srinivas University) presided over the function. Dr. Shreeprakash B (Dean, SUCET), Dr. Praveen B M (Coordinator, Srinivas University), Dr. Ramakrishna Hegde (Vice Principal & HOD, Dept of Civil Engineering), Sri Ravikiran Suvarna (Faculty Coordinator, SRISTICA), Sri Abhishek I Dadibhavi (President, SRISTICA), Ms. Srinidhi G Naik (Secretary, SRISTICA) were present. Dr. Ramakrishna Hegde delivered the welcome address and keynote address. Sri Ravikiran Suvarna introduced the Chief Guest to the gathering. Sri Abhishek I Dadibhavi administered the pledge to the newly elected office bearers of SRISTICA for the year 2018-19. Prizes were distributed to the students for their excellent performance in the academics and competitions organised by SRISTICA. Sri Shrinath Rao delivered vote of thanks. Ms Nayana Kannan performed invocation. Ms Pooja D and Ms Navya steered the program. 


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