Alternative fuel Workshop

Workshop on "Alternative Fuels for IC Engines" @ SUCET Mukka
A workshop on "Alternative fuels for IC engines" was held on 19th November 2018 at Srinivas university, College of engineering and technology, Mukka by the Department of Mechanical engineering. Dr Kumar GN, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NITK, Surathkal, was the resource person for the workshop. The importance of hydrogen as a alternative fuel for vehicles and other alternative fuels were dealt in the workshop. The workshop saw an active participation from the students of 5th semester and 7th semester of mechanical engineering.
            Earlier, on the day the inaugural ceremony of the workshop was held, presided by Dr Shreeprakash B, Dean, SUCET. Speaking on the occasion, he congratulated the Department for their continual efforts in arranging such informative workshops. He also urged the students to make the maximum utilization of the same. Dr Suma Bhat, HoD, Mechanical Engineering was also present during the occasion. Mr Krishna Swaroop, introduced the resource person to the gathering. Mr Nirmith Salian, compered the program.


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