ACE Inaugural Function

The department activities of ’ACE’ (Association of Computer Science & Engineering), the student association of Computer Science & Engineering Department, College of Engineering & Technology, Srinivas University, Mukka, was inaugurated by Dr. Harischandra Hebbar N, Professor, School of Information Science, Manipal and Guest of Honor Mr. Sandeep Patil, Executive Director, M/s Applied Cognition Systems on 16 October 2018.The President of ACE, Ms. Afreen welcomed the gathering. The H.O.D Prof. Kishore Baglodi briefed about ACE. The Staff Coordinator Mr. Rashmi P.C administered the oath to ACE office bearers. The Guest of Honour delivered a Technical talk on “Industrial Expectations from Academic Institutions”. The Dean of the college Dr. Shreeprakash B presided over the function. Dr. Praveen B.M, Coordinator, and HoDs of various departments were present in the function. Ms. Pragati P..Rane, Secretary of ACE presented the report and calendar events for this academic year and Mr.Suraj read out the Prize winners of the events conducted under the ACE banner.  Mr. Prashanth proposed the vote of thanks. The program was compered by Ms. Amitha and Ms. Pooja.


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