Workshop on ANSYS

A five-day workshop on ANSYS software was inaugurated at Srinivas University College of Engineering and Technology, Mukka on 3rd September 2018. The workshop is jointly organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering, SUCET, Mukka and eCADD Mangalore. The workshop is a first of its kind to be conducted in Mangalore region as it is conducted by authorised instructors of ANSYS Inc. The workshop will provide practical hands on integrated approach in composite material analysis and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) with respect to AIRFOIL FLUENT ANALYSIS.
            Dr Shreeprakash B, Dean, presided over the inaugural ceremony. Mr Prasanna Shankar, Academic program manager, ANSYS, South India was the chief guest for the function. Speaking on the occasion the chief guest briefed about the importance of industrial application of ANSYS software. Mr Prabhakaran Gnanasekaran, Application CFD Engineer, ARK was the guest of honour. Dr Suma Bhat, HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering convened the program. Ms Keerthi Shetty, Head of Operation, eCADD delivered the vote of thanks. Mr Naveen Gururaj, founder, eCADD was also present during the occasion. A total of 46 participants which include Research scholars of NITK, Faculty of several engineering colleges are engaged in the workshop.


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