The Srinivas University College of Engineering & Technology celebrated “ORIENTATION DAY” on August 23rd to welcome the new batch of students. The President of the function was Dr P.S Aithal, Vice Chancellor of Srinivas University. The Registrar of Srinivas University, Dr Anil Kumar and Dr Shrinivasa Mayya D, Registrar (Evaluation) were the other guests present. 
     Ms. Shrinidhi Rai rendered the invocation. Dr Praveen BM the Chief Coordinator of Srinivas University welcomed the new students, parents and guests and acquainted the audience with the Srinivas University guidelines. The Dean, Dr Shreeprakash B addressed the audience and spoke about the Vision & Mission of the college.
    A team of students of the E & C branch who won the “Best Project Award” for the year 2018 adjudged by KSCST (Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology) were felicitated for their achievement.
Senior students expressed their views regarding their departments and gave firsthand knowledge about activities undertaken along with briefing the first year students regarding facilities offered in the college. The new batch of students and their parents too expressed their views and expectations.
    Dr Shrinivasa Mayya D, Registrar (Evaluation) asked the students to think positively and asked them to become quality engineers. The Registrar of Srinivas University, Dr Anil Kumar encouraged the young minds to think differently and make breakthroughs in technology. He urged them to put their efforts in seeking out opportunities and pursuing them. Dr P.S Aithal, Vice Chancellor of Srinivas University in his Presidential Address warmly welcomed the students into the Srinivas family and wished them all the best. He pointed out 10 key concepts in order to realise their dreams and aspirations. At the end, Dr Ramakrishna Hegde, HOD of Civil Engg Dept. proposed the vote of thanks. The program ended with the singing of the National Anthem followed by lunch. The program was compered by Ms Afreen & Ms Remy


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