SVEEP Awareness Programme @ SUCET Mukka

Keeping in mind the Systematic Voter’s Education & Electoral Participation (SVEEP) initiative, the Srinivas University-College of Engg & Technology (SUCET), formerly, Srinivas School of Engineering (SSE), Mukka, Mangaluru organised the following programs to propagate the main objectives.
Participants took the Voter’s Pledge to take part in the upcoming election upholding the values enshrined in the constitution.
Prof. Rohan Fernandez delivered a short talk to drive home the message “Why Should I Vote” and encouraged the audience to vote in a free and fair manner without falling prey to inducements.
With many students being First Time Voters, Online pamphlets were circulated by the members of the Rotaract Club of the college to their contacts to spread the message of the Election Commission to take part in the upcoming elections and encourage their family and neighbours too.


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