Academic Review and Orientation Program

Academic Review and Orientation Program was conducted recently for First year B.Tech. students of Srinivas University.   Dr Anil Kumar - Registrar, SU, has presided over the program. Dr Ramakrishna Hegde, Vice Principal has delivered a talk on ‘How to become a Potential Engineer at Srinivas University’.  Mr. Vikas Rai – Training & Placement Officer has given a talk on ‘Placement Activities and its Importance’. Dr Praveen B M – Coordinator, has welcomed the gathering. Dr Shreeprakash B - Dean has briefed about the overall activities conducted during the last semester. Dr Santhosh Shenoy has delivered vote of thanks. Invocation was rendered by Ms. Shaina Hegde and team. Ms. Manasa and Ms. Ashfiya Naaz were the Master of Ceremony for the program.  HOD’s and Faculty members of various departments were present in the function.


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