ISAP-2017 at Srinivas University College of Engineering & Technology (SUCET), Mukka, Mangaluru.

Series of Technical Seminars ISAP (Information Search Analysis & Presentation) 2017 was inaugurated on Wednesday, 20 September at Srinivas University College of Engineering & Technology (SUCET), Mukka. Prof. Raj Mohan (Principal, Shamili PU College, Kidiyoor, Udupi) and Prof. M. Ramakrishna Pai (Principal, Poorna Prajna PU College, Admar) were the Chief Guests of the inaugural function. Dr. Anil Kumar (Registrar, Srinivas University) presided over the function. Dr. Shreeprakash B (Dean, SUCET) and Dr. Ramakrishna Hegde (Vice Dean and Convener of ISAP-2017) were present. More than 300 technical seminars were presented by the 2nd year Engineering students in one day.

Dr.Ramakrishna Hegde, Vice Principal and Convener of ISAP-2017 briefed the objectives of organizing ISAP at SUCET Mukka. Both the Chief Guests expressed their immense satisfaction and appreciation for organizing ISAP which will boost the Confidence and Communication Skills of Engineering Students. Dr. Shreeprakash advised the students to take active participation in ISAP and enrich the Research & Communication Skills. Dr. Anil Kumar said that Srinivas University aims at providing value added higher education blended with Knowledge & Skills to prepare the Graduates of SUCET as Industry Ready Engineers.

Ms. Lakshmi Manohari performed invocation. Prof. Shrinath Rao welcomed the dignitaries and introduced the Chief Guests to the gathering.  Prof. Srinath Pai delivered the vote of thanks. Ms. Shanel Pinto and Ms. Shruthi Thingalaya were the Master of Ceremony of the inaugural function. HODs, faculty members, staff and students were present on this occasion.


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